
University Press of Mississippi visiting campus for dissertation workshop

University Press of Mississippi visiting campus for dissertation workshop

The editors and marketing staff of the University Press of Mississippi will present “How to Revise a Dissertation and Turn It Into a Good Book” on Oct. 22 at 11 a.m. in Mitchell Memorial Library's Grisham Room. The hour-long presentation will be a discussion with time for Q&A. Topics covered will include:

* How publishing has changed, and why a book should be different from a dissertation

* The specific ways in which a successful book is different from a dissertation

* Recognizing and banishing “dissertationese”

* The importance of defining and writing for a specific audience

* What to do when you get stuck

* Researching publishers and crafting a successful proposal

Organizers expect the session to benefit both Mississippi State graduate students and faculty working toward tenure. They will also offer individual appointments starting at noon that day for anyone who would like to discuss their personal project in further detail. Attendees will also be eligible to win a special door prize: a free copy of William Germano’s seminal book, "From Dissertation to Book, Second Edition."

For additional information, contact Leila Salisbury at lsalisbury@mississippi.edu.