ORED seeks faculty input for newly launched African Initiatives Working Group

ORED seeks faculty input for newly launched African Initiatives Working Group

The has launched a small working group to explore and maximize Mississippi State’s responsiveness to funding opportunities involving partnerships and implementation of activities in African countries.

ORED is seeking to identify any faculty with experience working in Africa and/or with African partners, as well as those with an interest in doing one or both.

Dan Reynolds, interim associate vice president and director of , said ORED anticipates convening a group to discuss opportunities within the next few weeks. Ideally, the working group will grow to reflect diverse expertise and capacities, he said.

Interested faculty are encouraged to complete a short online survey available at .

For more information or with questions, contact Reynolds at daniel.reynolds@msstate.edu. Margaret Khaitsa, professor in the College of Veterinary Medicine’s Department of Pathobiology and Population Medicine (mkhaitsa@cvm.msstate.edu), and Stephanie Hyche, director of research development in ORED’s Office of Research Development (stephanie@ord.msstate.edu), also may be contacted for assistance.