Leading international STEM group renews accreditation for 12 ݮƵBagley College of Engineering programs
Contact: Camille Carskadon
STARKVILLE, Miss.—ݮƵ’s Bagley College of Engineering is celebrating the accreditation renewal of 12 bachelor’s degree programs by a leading international educational organization.

ABET, the quality-assurance group focused on college and university programs in science, technology, engineering and math disciplines, has reaccredited MSU’s aerospace, biomedical, biosystems (formerly biological engineering), chemical, civil, computer, electrical, industrial, mechanical, petroleum and software engineering and computer science programs. Accreditation assures programs meet standards to produce graduates ready to enter critical technical fields that are leading the way in innovation and emerging technologies and anticipating the welfare and safety needs of the public.
“I am proud of our faculty, staff and students during this accreditation process and commend the hard work they put into our reaccreditation to ensure we continue to produce high-quality engineering graduates who are prepared to solve the problems of today and tomorrow, improving the quality of life for all,” said Bagley College of Engineering Interim Dean Robert Green.
Sought worldwide, the ABET’s voluntary peer-review process is highly respected because it adds critical value to academic programs in the technical disciplines, where quality, precision and safety are paramount. Developed by technical professionals from ABET’s member societies, ABET criteria focus on what students experience and learn. Its accreditation reviews look at program curricula, faculty, facilities and institutional support. They are conducted by teams of highly skilled professionals from industry, academia and government who have expertise in the ABET disciplines.
ABET is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization with ISO 9001:2015 certification. As of 2023, it accredits 4,674 programs at 920 colleges and universities in 42 countries. More information about ABET, its member societies and the accreditation criteria used to evaluate programs is available at .
The Bagley College of Engineering is online atand can be found on,andat @msuengineering.
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